We provide practical solutions to environmental problems

NESP Resilient Landscapes HubThe Resilient Landscapes Hub is delivering the science to improve the management of Australia’s terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.

Our science helps to make these ecosystems more resilient to extreme events – including bushfires, droughts and floods – and pervasive pressures, such as invasive species.

The Resilient Landscapes Hub’s research supports the resilience of our natural landscapes and biodiversity. Resilience refers to the rate at which landscapes recover from environmental stressors and disturbances. Resilient landscapes support Australia’s rich biodiversity and agricultural and tourism economies, and shape the Australian identity. Indigenous peoples’ cultural practices have sustainably managed these landscapes for millennia. However, our landscapes face increasingly complex environmental challenges that threaten to undermine their condition and capacity to recover from extreme events.

Maintaining resilience will not be enough to meet new challenges or adapt to a changing climate. To protect Australia’s landscapes and biodiversity – and the services they provide – we must find new ways to restore and enhance resilience. The Hub is working collaboratively with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and a range of other research users to co-design and undertake research that provides practical solutions to critical problems.

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