7 November 2018
Prawns and barramundi make a great seafood platter, but what are the connections between these species and river flows to the Gulf of Carpentaria, and how might future changes in flow affect these menu items? The Gulf rivers and coastal productivity project team has been working throughout 2018 to find out more about these links in Qld’s Mitchell, Gilbert and Flinders Rivers. Hub researchers have sampled prawns and water quality in flood and post-flood events, collecting data like nutrients and sediment. They are currently analysing the samples and data on prawn catches to identify the relative importance of these three rivers for the fisheries.
The team is conducting analysis of socio-economic data from both the prawn and barramundi fisheries, and gathering information on potential use of the Gulf rivers for agriculture, Indigenous fisheries and tourism. After measuring food sources and productivity this year, the next trip will provide another season of data for comparison and for the benefit of the related food for migratory shorebirds project.
Project team in the field, photo Stephen Faggotter.
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