Migratory shorebird diagrams

13 February 2020

A conceptual diagram showing the effects of wet season conditions on coastal productivity and flow-on effects to fisheries and migratory shorebirds.

A conceptual diagram showing the effects of wet season conditions on coastal productivity and flow-on effects to fisheries and migratory shorebirds. A pdf of this diagram is available here.

A conceptual diagram showing the effects of post wet season conditions on coastal productivity and flow-on effects to fisheries and migratory shorebirds.

A conceptual diagram showing the effects of post wet season conditions on coastal productivity and flow-on effects to fisheries and migratory shorebirds. A pdf of this diagram is available here.

Conceptual digram of effects on coastal productivity in the late dry season.

A conceptual diagram showing the effects of late dry season conditions on coastal productivity and flow-on effects to fisheries and migratory shorebirds. A pdf of this diagram is available here.

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