12 December 2012
Pastoralists manage vast areas of Australia’s tropical savannas. A new research project is looking at whether there are opportunities for pastoralists and graziers to diversify their enterprises and business income by delivering on-farm biodiversity conservation.
Researchers from Charles Darwin University are investigating what conditions would make on-farm conservation activities practical and attractive to pastoralists and graziers.
Professor Romy Greiner recently held initial meetings with pastoralists and graziers in Katherine and Tennant Creek as part of the Northern Territory Cattlemens’ Association’s quarterly regional meeting.
Attendees were asked to participate in discussion and complete a survey about the types of financial incentives that could be offered to encourage on-farm biodiversity conservation.
More details about the project are available here.
There will be lots of opportunity for industry input during the first half of 2013. To participate in upcoming workshops, please contact Professor Greiner, romy.greiner@cdu.edu.au, 0418 242 156 or Ms Julie Ballweg, julie.ballweg@cdu.edu.au, 0459 715 753.
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