Stewart Lockie
James Cook University

Stewart-Lockie bio photoProfessor Stewart Lockie

Director, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University (JCU)

See Professor Lockie’s full research profile here.

Research outputs linked to policy change and decision-making

  • Sey boey wara goeygil nabi yangukudupa (Future days to come for this information): Knowledge integration for Torres Strait sustainability (2019–2021). Australian Research Council (ARC) discovery Indigenous grant chief investigator (co-investigators: Dr Felecia Watkin Lui, JCU; Dr Sanchia Shibasaki, Lowitja Institute; Dr Cass Hunter, CSIRO; Adjunct Professor Natalie Stoeckl, JCU). This project aims to support sustainable development in the Torres Strait through the development of practical, locally relevant strategies for collating, generating and integrating knowledge relevant to the management of intersecting social, economic and environmental challenges. The project seeks to generate new knowledge about how Torres Strait Islander people construct the idea of sustainable development by integrating participatory and quantitative methodologies to support research evaluation and decision-making in a way that supports community aspirations. The expected outcomes include enhanced capacity of Torres Strait Islander people to effectively seek the knowledge that is most useful in their decision-making for sustainability.
  • Reef restoration and adaptation program (RRAP), stakeholder analysis and engagement sub-project (2018–2024). Australian Government core team participant: The RRAP seeks to deliver a business case for government, industry and private investment, the primary objective of which is to develop reef restoration and adaptation technologies that can be applied at scale, within affordability and practicality limits, to retain key functional attributes of the Great Barrier Reef. This project will contribute JCU expertise to evaluating coral restoration methods, undertaking regulatory and institutional environment mapping required for restoration to occur, and an analysis of the viewpoints and engagement of stakeholders in reef restoration.
  • Crown-of-thorns control and innovation program (CCIP; 2021–2024). Outbreaks of coral-eating crown-of-thorns (COTS) starfish are a major cause of coral decline on the Great Barrier Reef. Managing outbreaks is a critical priority to improve reef health and a necessary complement to research and innovation that helps the Great Barrier Reef resist, adapt to and recover from the impacts of climate change. Within CCIP, JCU is delivering 2 projects, the first of which aims to support the development and deployment of COTS management options that are perceived by the public and stakeholders as socially responsible and acceptable. The second project aims to support reef Traditional Owners, more specifically, in their aspiration for meaningful involvement in reef management and to inform the development and deployment of COTS management options that reflect Traditional Owner values.

Current academic employment and positions

  • director, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University
  • adjunct professor, the Australian National University
  • chief investigator, ARC discovery Indigenous grant, 2019–2021.

Highest qualification

  • 1997: PhD in Sociology, Charles Sturt University

Major prizes, medals and honours

  • 2017: Distinguished Professor of Sociology
  • 2012: Elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

Roles on government or regional organisation committees

  • Australian Council of Learned Academies: Australia’s Agricultural Future
  • Australian Council of Learned Academies: Regional, Rural and Remote Universities project.

My Projects

Current projectCompleted project
NESP RLH, 2021-2027NESP, 2015-2021NERP, 2012-2015TRaCK, 2005-present
