Monitoring, mapping & safeguarding Kimberley bilbies (start-up factsheet)

2 October 2018

Kimberley Bilbies front

Kimberley bilbies are vulnerable
The Greater Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is an iconic Australian marsupial that is known for its conservation significance and high cultural importance to Traditional Owners.

Keywords: bilbies, bilby, threatened species, Kimberley, Western Australia, WA, WA Bilbies, West Kimberley, vulnerable, IUCN, International union for the Conservation of Nature, Fitzroy Management, Dampier Peninsula, La Grange Region, wild bilby, land use planning, land development, threatened species management, habitat loss, fire regimes, feral animals, introduced animals, introduced species, camels, livestock, foxes, cats, feral cats, greater Bilby

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