Top End research overview (brochure Jun 2018)

4 May 2017

Top End research overview

In the Northern Territory, our research focuses on the Daly River catchment, greater Darwin region, Kakadu National Park and the Gulf of Carpentaria. Across much of this region, tropical invasive weeds and fire are key research priorities, as well as improving survey and monitoring methods through the use of environmental DNA. In the Kakadu region, our research is informing risk assessments to assist with rehabilitation of the Ranger Uranium Mine, and we are working closely with Traditional Owners to undertake action-research partnerships to address their priorities. In the Gulf, we are investigating the devastating mangrove dieback that occurred in 2015–16. In the Daly catchment, we need to know how much water can be made available for agriculture development without exposing the river’s unique aquatic ecosystems to significant risk. Other Hub research across northern Australia, on topics such as Indigenous land management, threatened species and carbon, is also generating information to support the management of environmental resources in the Top End. Download the Top End research overview here.

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