The hub is hosted by The University of Western Australia (UWA). It is led by Professor Michael Douglas at UWA and guided by a Hub Steering Committee comprised of research-user representatives and a Research Executive Committee made up of research providers. Both committees can be found on our People page.
Key researchers
You can find the hub’s key researchers on our People page.
Research provider organisations
The hub’s key researchers come from the following organisations:
Individual research projects will have a wide range of local research partners.
Research users
This list will be developed further through the co-design research process.
Research users include government, non-government and Indigenous organisations. The hub will initially conduct a range of workshops with staff from sections across the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to identify research priorities and co-design a collection of targeted research plans. These will be complemented by workshops with other research users to identify opportunities for collaboration and the transfer of research findings.
Australian Government
State Government
Local Government
Indigenous organisations