Indigenous biodiversity management

18 September 2015

A series of videos is showcasing the work of rangers and Hub scientists collaborating to increase our understanding of Indigenous-led approaches to landscape management.

The Indigenous biodiversity management project built on existing work to establish how well the monitoring and evaluation frameworks of federal Indigenous environmental programs, such as Caring for our Country, could be adapted to the broader aspirations and plans of local communities.

Five short videos highlight various aspects of the project, such as the importance of traditional management practices. A selection of the latest videos includes:

Feral pigs in Kalan rainforest


Feral pigs are a major headache for Kalan Rangers in Cape York Peninsula. They damage soil, uproot native vegetation and compete with native wildlife for food and shelter. In this video, Traditional Owner Dion Creek points out an example of how pigs can impact the biodiversity of tropical rainforests. While aerial culling may be effective in open landscapes, finding a solution to control pigs in forests is more challenging.

Changing fire regimes, changing landscapes


In Ngallabigee in Cape York Peninsula the practice of traditional burning has been absent for over two decades. In this video, Traditional Owner Dion Creek explains how Ngallabigee has changed over that time and highlights why cultural practices, such as traditional burning, are important for landscape management.

Managing fire for yams


In this video, we learn that early dry season burning to reduce fuel loads is not the only reason why people burn country. Hub researcher Justin Perry and Aak Puul Ngantam Traditional Owner and Ranger Horace Wikmunea talk about the importance of traditional fire regimes in managing yams and other natural and cultural resources.

Improving outcomes: turtles and pigs


Feral pigs have been destroying turtle nests around parts of Cape York, preventing turtle hatchlings from making it to sea. In this video, you’ll see how work by Aak Puul Ngantam Rangers and Hub researchers has helped to reduce feral pig predation on turtle nests.

You can read more about the project here.

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