Professor Andrew Krockenberger
Key researcher
Dean of research, James Cook University
See Professor Krockenberger’s full research profile here.
Research outputs linked to policy change and decision-making
- YUS Conservation Area Monitoring Plan. Professor Krockenberger led the development of the ecological monitoring plan for Papua New Guinea’s first gazetted conservation area, the YUS Conservation Area (contracted to Conservation International). This required extensive government, community and expert consultation to determine the target and objectives for the plan followed by a pilot study, establishment of the monitoring sites and techniques, establishment of an Indigenous ranger program for the landscape and conduct of the first iteration of the monitoring plan sampling. This has provided Papua New Guinea’s only landscape-level understanding of the distribution and abundance of threatened vertebrates associated with the YUS Conservation Area, a baseline to assess the efficacy of conservation actions targeted at those vertebrates within that landscape, and nearly a decade later remains the tool by which the success of objectives in the YUS Conservation Area are considered.
- National Environmental Research Programme project 7.3: Climate change and impact of extreme events on Wet Tropics biodiversity. This program was designed to provide information and tools to allow the management agency to predict and limit the impact of extreme events on Wet Tropics endemic biodiversity. The project provided accurate, high-resolution maps of the exposure to temperature extremes as experienced by Wet Tropics vertebrates, estimates of the resilience, thermal behavioural plasticity, and thermotolerance of Wet Tropics vertebrates to temperature extremes, maps of the thermal hotspots and refugia where biodiversity is most and least vulnerable to temperature extremes at present and in the future, and rankings of species particularly at risk from extreme events as well as an analytical toolkit for assessing vulnerability of biodiversity to extreme events.
Roles on government or regional organisation committees
As a member of the Terrestrial Environmental Research Network advisory board since early 2018, Professor Krockenberger was an active participant in its restructure from a loose grouping of disparate researcher-driven elements to a programmatically structured, integrated national-scale element of research infrastructure delivering timely, relevant, interoperable data regarding Australia’s environment.
Links with non-government groups or networks
- Professor Krockenberger is a board member of the Queensland Cyber-Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF). This foundation is a member-owned company dedicated to improving e-research capacity in Queensland universities. Research data management and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles are critical foci for QCIF and strongly relevant to the NESP national-scale hubs.
My Projects
Current project
Completed project
NESP RLH, 2021-2027NESP, 2015-2021NERP, 2012-2015TRaCK, 2005-present