Dr Michael Shackleton
Centre for Freshwater Ecosystems, La Trobe University
Dr Michael Shackleton is an aquatic ecologist whose research examines the diversity of freshwater organisms and the factors that drive their distributions and abundances. Dr Shackleton combines his skills in ecological modelling, metabarcoding, population genetics, taxonomy, and spatial analysis to understand landscape-scale responses of organisms to environmental and anthropogenic factors. His research helps inform management practices for conserving freshwater species and communities.
Research outputs linked to policy change and decision-making
- Melbourne Water: Spatial prioritisation of management actions for biodiversity outcomes in streams and wetlands (current)
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Water and Environment Research Program: Assessing future vulnerability of species and ecological communities (current)
- Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning: State-wide eDNA surveillance design for freshwater invertebrates
- Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning: Improving surveillance monitoring of aquatic vertebrates.
Current academic employment and positions
- 2014 – present: Macroinvertebrate ecologist, Centre for Freshwater Ecosystems, La Trobe University.
My Projects
Current project
Completed project
NESP RLH, 2021-2027NESP, 2015-2021NERP, 2012-2015TRaCK, 2005-present