NESP Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub

March 2021

In the Kimberley’s Fitzroy River region, Traditional Owners and scientists have been working together on a project supported by the National Environmental Science Program (NESP) to help Indigenous land managers find better ways to use both scientific and Indigenous knowledge (IK) for making decisions for Country. Traditional Owners and scientists learned together and co-developed different ways of showing and sharing knowledge. The project was supported through collaborative research agreements with 10 different Traditional Owner Groups through their relevant organisations.


March 2021

River flows in the Gulf of Carpentaria are critical for ensuring that food is available for migratory shorebirds on their way into and out of Australia. Professor Michele Burford has been leading collaborative research between Griffith University, the Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation and the Queensland Wader Study Group that has investigated the links between river flows and food for shorebirds.

Showing 145-156 of 449 results, page 13 of 38.
