More research projects wrapping up

19 May 2017

Coming soon are the reports from extended 2015-16 projects. These include:

  • Waste and marine debris in remote Northern Australian communities. This project investigated waste management issues in three communities on Cape York Peninsula. Each community faces unique local challenges to progressing waste management, but all are growing in size, receiving increasing numbers of visitors and tourists, and dealing with increasing marine debris washing up on their beaches. The research highlighted areas of best practice and found that opportunities exist for a networked regional recycling effort which could reduce local waste, generate new or repurposed resources and create new jobs and enterprises and that the opportunities would require complementary commitment from governments to achieve.
  • Methods to measure temporal change in soil carbon. This research project reviewed the current state of knowledge on measurement and modelling methods for estimating soil carbon and change in soil carbon stock in northern Australia. It assessed the applicability and cost of current and proposed methods in the context of soil carbon levels and the response of soil carbon to changes in management practices as they occur across north Australia. The research findings will be released later this year.

We plan to feature these projects in upcoming eNews. In the meantime please keep an eye on our website or the North Australia News Round-up for Hub updates, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook for links to new factsheets and reports.

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