Kakadu National Park’s threatened species

Small mammal species in northern Australia have undergone catastrophic declines, including in key reserves such as Kakadu National Park. The project aims to guide management priorities to recover threatened mammals in monsoonal northern Australia, especially in relation to fire and feral cats. The team is compiling and analysing a large dataset (from Kakadu and comparable other sites in the Top End) on the occurrence of cats, native mammals and fire to evaluate landscape-scale relationships. It is also contributing to the analysis and documentation of responses of native reptiles and mammals to cat-exclusion at established fenced sites in Kakadu National Park.

  • Feral cat, photo NT DENR.
  • Populations of the blackfooted tree rat have declined significantly in Kakadu National Park, photo Alaric Fisher.
  • Controlled fire in Kakadu National Park, photo Michael Douglas.
  • Feral pig, photo NAER Hub.
  • Feral buffalo, photo Samantha Setterfield.
  • Kakadu National Park in the wet season, photo Michael Douglas.
  • Kakadu wetland, photo Michael Douglas.
