Mitchell River story map

Communicating research findings in a way that is useful, dynamic and accessible can be a challenge. The Mitchell River catchment in far north Queensland has been the focus of environmental research for decades because of the important environmental, cultural and economic values of the catchment, and the potential for development of the river’s water resources. However, past research is not always readily available to people who might need it for decision-making, such as Traditional Owners, land managers and other existing water users.

The Mitchell River story map presents findings from our projects Environmental water needs for the Mitchell River, Links between Gulf rivers and coastal productivity, Links between Gulf rivers and food for migratory shorebirds, and Environmental-economic accounting for the Mitchell River in a user-friendly form for everyone, including decision-makers at state and federal levels.

  • Mitchell River, photo Kerry Trapnell
  • Ten Mile Swamp on the Mitchell River, photo Ben Stewart-Koster
  • Mitchell River, photo Stephen Faggotter
