Environmental monitoring in northern Australia is challenged by many resource and logistical constraints; including the large spatial scale, limited and variable site access (e.g. limited all weather road and infrastructure, wet season inaccessibility), environmental hazards to field-based studies (including crocodiles, cyclones and harsh climate) and relatively small population base and limitations on technical capability. These constraints often lead to restricted sampling designs, with limited sample sizes, reduced spatial coverage, and poor power to track environmental change particularly in time frames suitable for managers.
This project assessed the usefulness of new and emerging remote monitoring techniques for northern Australia, and prioritised future research needs.
Alison King (Project Leader, CDU), Damien Burrows (JCU), Graeme Gillespie (NT DEPWS), Doug Ward (Griffith University), Jon Marshall (QLD Govt).
Alison King, Charles Darwin University
E: alison.king@cdu.edu.au